International Day

On Wednesday 15th May, the whole school went off timetable and came together for our International Day. The children worked in their House groups; Normans, Saxons, Vikings and Romans to study different countries. It was a great day to celebrate the diversity of different cultures and to celebrate things from around the world. It was lovely to see the whole school together, spending time working and learning with their peers from different year groups.
Below is an account of the day written by our four Year 6 House Captains: -
Vikings - Italy
First, the Vikings split into groups for two activities; pasta jewellery and fruit portraits based on Guiseppe Arcimboldo.
After this we looked at Geography, landmarks in Italy and built our own leaning towers of Pisa out of different materials. We then had to match the names of the Italian landmarks and place them on a map. After lunch, we learned different Italian phrases and even how to sing happy birthday in Italian, which we performed to the school.
By Jet
Romans – Australia
At the start of the day, we learnt about Australia and then we split up into two groups - one half learnt about the Great Barrier Reef and made turtles and jellyfish, and the other group learnt about the outback, the didgeridoo and Aboriginal dot art. We even made The Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. After lunch, we learnt a song about a Kookaburra and how to sing in a round. We then performed this song to the school.
By Poppy
Saxons- Japan
Our theme for International Day was Japan. In the morning, our house split into two groups, one creating Japanese Kawaii art and characters, and the other making some flying fish kites and Origami cats. After break, we were taught some martial arts by Sacha and then tried some Boba/bubble tea and tried some Sushi. Later on, we learnt numbers and words in Japanese. We presented all of our amazing learning in our afternoon assembly.
By Noah
Normans – Mexico
The Normans Country was Mexico. In the morning the juniors created lanterns with jars and glass pens with tissue paper and tea lights, while the infants created masks and lanterns with paper plates. In the afternoon, we had Nacho Cheese (it was yummy!) and we practised a great dance; the infants made shakers to shake at our ‘Day of the Dead’ parade. Then it was time to perform our amazing dance to everybody.
By Katie