Spalding Flower Festival

After a busy week excitedly preparing our float for the Spalding Flower Festival, it really did look amazing on the day! Mrs Strickson and her after school club did themselves proud with their model of the school that took centre stage, amongst the beautiful flowers handmade by the children.
There are many more people to mention for their efforts in getting the float ready, but in particular thank you to Mrs Chester for organising our participation in the event, Mrs Strickson for all her efforts in decorating the float, Mrs Wade for the bunting and banners, Mr Steele and family for towing the float in the parade, our ex-pupils Daisy and Jenna who joined current pupils along the route and Flowers N Things of Spalding for the stunning floral displays for the car and trailer. Also, a big thank you, to Margaret Waite (former school secretary) and her husband George for providing us with the trailer on which the float was erected and to the amazing staff, parents and children who gave up their Saturday to accompany the parade.
It was so lovely to see the streets of Spalding lined with people again after a 10-year absence. The theme for the festival was ‘Through The Decades’ with Ayscoughfee representing the 1920's, the year our school was founded.
Well done to everyone who took part, you were amazing, we are all enormously proud of you!