Christmas Has Arrived!

Christmas is very much underway at Ayscoughfee Hall School with our children and staff getting into the festive spirit. The children have been excited to make and hang Christmas decorations onto the numerous Christmas trees that have been put up around the school and our junior children helped to decorate the Christmas tree at Broad Street Methodist Church.
On Saturday, the PTFA held their annual Christmas Fayre, which was well supported. We even had a special guest visitor who arrived on a Fire Engine!!!
In our curriculum lessons, we have been learning about the nativity story and re-telling the Bible story ‘Jonah and the Whale’ whilst writing our own versions of the Christmas story and Christmas poems. Year 6 took part in a ‘Victorian Christmas’ at Stibbington and had a fantastic day learning about life in Victorian England.
Our younger children have been working hard learning their lines and songs for the infant productions which will take place this week. We welcomed many past teachers and people from St. Georgian Court into school to watch their wonderful dress rehearsal. The children were amazing and put many smiles on peoples faces. They are extremely excited to perform for their parents over the next few days.
Our whole school Christmas lunch will take place on Thursday with children and staff wearing their favourite Christmas jumpers for the occasion. The infant and Junior Christmas parties are organised for next week, and we look forward to warmly welcoming parents and grandparents to our Christmas Carol service that will take place on the last day of term to be held at the Broad Street Methodist Church. We hope that you will be able to join us, so we can wish you all a very Merry Christmas.