Eco-Schools Green Flag Award

We are very proud to announce that the school has earned an international accreditation, The Green Flag Award! Certified with distinction, the highest accolade that the organisation can award. The certification recognises our amazing work to make the school more environmentally friendly and raising eco-awareness in fellow pupils.
The feedback from Eco-schools was amazing, “Reviewing your Eco-Schools application and reading about your journey as a school has been a very pleasurable and heart-warming experience!” The assessment team loved reading our weekly Eco additions to the school newsletter; our Facebook posts and articles about our ‘wombling’ in the local press. They were thoroughly amazed by the whole school charity events to raise money and the sponsorship of the WWF animals. Our challenge for next year is to set up a ‘Park and Stride’ scheme.
Eco-Schools in an international education programme that prompts young people to explore sustainability and climate change and take action.
Well done everyone, a truly fantastic achievement for the school.