Happy Retirement!

On Thursday we held a very special assembly for two very special people. The whole school were together, in their socially distanced bubbles, on the playground to say a very fond farewell to Mrs Cook and Mrs Ogden.
Year 4 learnt and performed a fantastic personalised song for Mrs Cook all about the highs and lows of being a teacher for 32 years! Mrs Cook was then presented with gifts including a voucher for a zip wire experience in Wales, some Nomination charms, a pamper basket and a voucher to enable her to replace
her old walking boots ready for all of her new adventures.
Kindergarten and Reception then sang a beautiful song to Mrs Ogden telling her how much they love and how much they will miss her.
Year 1 and Year 2 followed with an adapted version of Old McDonald which
included Mrs Ogden having a school full of laugher, work, smiles and kindness.
Year 3 and 4 then sang a beautiful song in English, French and Spanish in which they said their farewells and expressed their wishes for her to come back soon.
Year 5 and 6 then recited a poem ‘Please Mrs Ogden’ in which they expressed
how much Mrs Ogden has influenced their school experience with messages of how to be kind and supportive to others. The school and house captains then presented Mrs Ogden with gifts of a National Trust membership, a voucher for a well-deserved Night Away in Norfolk, plant pots that had every single child’s finger print on them and pre-planted with lavender. She was also given a memory jar of slips with good luck wishes and memories from all of us for her to read during her leisurely breakfasts in the future.
We were shown a picture of the beautiful Arbour which was also a gift and was waiting for her in her garden when she got home on Wednesday evening.
We ended the afternoon with a celebratory drink and cake for all the staff and children. We are so sorry that you, our wonderful parents, were not able to join us for this special assembly as we would have wished.
Thank you so much to each and everyone one of you for your very generous donations and good wishes.