A Love for Learning!

Learning outside the classroom environment is so important to help teachers create enthusiasm for learning and to keep pupils engaged. Learning can be developed through play and experimentation whilst further enhancing children’s independence and self -esteem.
Here are some pictures of our Year 5 pupils this week enjoying their practical maths lesson, using their geographical knowledge of compass points to follow directions and calculate the sizes of angles between them.
As well as taking the classroom outside whenever possible our children also experience outdoor education during our Forest School sessions that are run every Friday with the help of Children’s Woodland Adventures. The sessions provide an excellent opportunity to link the curriculum to the outdoors whilst developing the children’s love and understanding of the natural environment.
Year 3 enjoyed their first Forest School session of the term thinking of World War II paratroopers and created their own parachutes to protect Mr.Egg from “being scrambled”!
Year 1 have explored their food topic in their Forest School sessions this term by making brilliant chef’s hats and then by being culinary chefs making delicious mud pies and pizza's.