Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all our AHS families! We have reached the end of what has been a really busy but fun packed term. The school has been buzzing with Christmas excitement the last few weeks and the arrival of the snow really helped to get us all into the Christmas spirit of things. So much fun was had by the Early Years children playing in the snow whilst learning about freezing and melting. Year 5 also had a fantastic snowy Forest School session exploring the properties of snow and ice whilst Year 6 spent the day transported back to 1899 to celebrate a Victorian Day in school.
Our Year 1 and Year 2 Christmas Interhouse games also provided much fun and laughter as the children raced to help Father Christmas post his parcels, run a ski slalom race and help to decorate a Christmas tree!
The children have spent time writing Christmas cards and letters to the residents of Georgian Court following concern expressed by the School Council that some residents may be feeling lonely at this time not being able to see their families and friends as usual. A lovely kind gesture from the children.
This week the children have really enjoyed their ‘bubble’ Christmas parties with the festivities starting at lunchtime with a Fish and Chip Christmas dinner from ‘Oh My Cod’ followed by a gingerbread man biscuit for every child kindly donated by Sara Woodrow. After lunch, the children had fun playing party games in their classrooms.
Our Zoom Christmas bingo hosted by Father Christmas and his Elf helper proved a big hit with the children, so much laughter and excitement could be heard down the corridors.

Finally, we hope you have enjoyed watching the children via Zoom in their Christmas productions and our Christmas Festival. We have really missed welcoming you all into school and holding our Christmas Festival in church this year but I hope you will agree the children were amazing and did such a fantastic job! As always I am full of admiration for all the hard work and dedication the children, teachers and teaching assistants put in to make these events so special.
It just leaves me to wish everyone at AHS a very Merry Christmas. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing you in the new year for more fun, learning and adventures!