Anti-Bullying Week

This week is national anti-bullying week and the children have been focusing on the importance of being kind. At Ayscoughfee Hall School kindness is one of the most important values, we believe if we are all kind to each other than we should be a school that is free from bullying.
We teach our children the importance of being kind, to include others and to think before we speak to ensure we do not say anything mean to anyone. We are all unique and different and we need to celebrate those differences.
This week we have also focused on letting the children know it is ok to talk to someone if they feel other children are being unkind or making them feel unhappy. They have all made hands and thought of 5 people (one for each finger) who they could talk to if they are feeling unhappy about anything.
The infants enjoyed the story of Zak the Zig Zag Zebra and the juniors took part in the national online ant-bullying assembly. This can be found on the website Please do take a look as there are many resources on the website.
To help promote kindness within the school we have appointed two Kindness Ambassadors. These are new roles to the school and we are so proud to announce that the first Kindness Ambassadors at Ayscoughfee Hall School are:- R. O'Rourke and F. Parkinson.
Well done boys we know you will do a fantastic job!
"Together we will pledge to put an end to bullying, celebrate diversity and create communities of kindness"