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Ayscoughfee Hall School


Hall School

Old Ayscoughfians Registration Form

Thank you for showing an interest in the Old Ayscoughfians Association.

To enable the association to send you our annual newsletter and other occasional communications we would ask you to complete the registration and authorisation form below.

I would like to subscribe to the Old Ayscoughfians annual newsletter
I would like you to email me other communications regarding the Old Ayscoughfians Association
I give permission for my above email address to be held by the school and used for this purpose only

We would really like to hear from you if you have any information of interest for inclusion within the newsletter, such as awards or qualifications you have received since leaving Ayscoughfee Hall School and other notable events, such as career or sporting achievements. Please email points of interest to [email protected]

Please do feel free to inform anyone else that you may still be in contact with from school about the Old Ayscoughfians Association. We would love to hear from as many past pupils as possible.

Welland Hall, London Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2TE

Tel: 01775 724733

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