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Ayscoughfee Hall School


Hall School

U9 Tag Rugby Fixture V Grantham Prep

On Wednesday 24th November, our young teams battled hard against well matched opponents. Our A Team had an excellent first game against the Grantham 7. The defence matched theirs, but we were stronger running with the ball in hand and won 3-1.

The B Team did their best against the same 7, though didn’t quite match the strength of the Grantham team and lost in a closely fought game 2-1. 

Our pupils then played in mixed teams against each other and took a lot from the game, they drew in an evenly competed game 1-1. 

The final game was a repeat of the first A v A, this time the Grantham team upped their game and played more expansive Rugby. Our defence were up to the challenge and were ferocious in their tagging. The outcome was a deserved draw 3-3. 

Well done to everyone who took part!

  • DSCF2707

  • DSCF2704


Welland Hall, London Road, Spalding, Lincolnshire, PE11 2TE

Tel: 01775 724733

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